November 30, 2011


Lately I searching for different stuffs like spritesheets and sound for my upcoming game. Of course these are need to be open source. After many hours of hard workt I found two sites, that I deffenetly will use at the future.

One for arts and sound:

Another for sounds and effects:

Stay tunned for the next video! It will come at the next week. :)

November 20, 2011

B.V. development progresses

Hi Everyone,

Here is a short video about the develeopments that I recently made on B.V. Enjoy it!

November 10, 2011

Some more classes


As I said in my last post, I'm going to share some more of my classes now. These are:

UpdateRectSprite: I use it to update the sprites rect during move update, because of the collosions.

GarbageCollector: Its track some objects during moving and kill them at the boundary of the levelmap.

Dialog: It is  update the HUD dialog data.

MoveSprite: Update sprites posítion according to time and speed.

AnimateSprite: It update the Sprites frames.

November 3, 2011

First look on B.V.

Hi Everyone!

Long time no see? Well I was on a small holiday, but I code a lot. XD. I hope all of you remember that, I started to rewrite the Tech Demo v0.2, that you can now download here . Below you can see a short video about the new 'engine'. Thats for now, next time I will share some of my classes with you.