September 28, 2011

New Project

After Pyweek, I hadn't have any good idea to make a similar program to my image browser, so I started to write a new game. I had a suitable idea in my mind for some time, so I started to develope it. Furtunatelly two of my friends joined too, so now my project have a lot of creative minds. :) At first step I started to make tech-demos, to develope and implement the visuals for the game. My aim is to make a Diablo I looking game. So it will have an isometric point of view. You can watch a short video about my first tech-demo. Its about how I can animate things like shurikens, and how  I can move a character in 8 different direction, unfortunatelly I have just a 4 way sprite, yet.

The code is need some refactorization, so I will give a download link when I'm done with it. During the coding I got great ideas about sprite animation from this blog, what is more, you can find good advises about time managament here. My sprites are free, I downloaded them from here

He is my first avatar.
My game  don't have any title yet, we just started to work on the games world.
Stay tunned for more info about the project!

September 23, 2011


To ease my future work I refactorized my previous Button and Entry class that I used it the image browser project, and made one Interface class from them. Much more simple. Beside some refactorization I created a resource loader, it will be great help at next Pyweek. You can load images, text files and sound into a dictionary which grant easy access to resources. I wrote a small code to demonstrate their work. They are under GNU licence, so feel free to download them from here.

September 21, 2011

Summary of the 13th Pyweek

Pyweek 13 is in its final stage. So here is a summary of my experiances, for everyone who want to participate in the future.


When theme voting begin, make sort plan about each theme. I mean think about what game would you write for each one. It will save you a lot of developing time later.

After challenge start think some more about your game idea. Take account how much time will you have to code and how complex game you can finish.

If you add artworks and sounds during coding you don't need to plan days long polishing, so you will have more time to develope.

It save you time if you just submit a source code and don't make any executable. See "Killer moves" for more advise.

Killer moves:

ALWAYS add readme with dependencies. Somebody may find disturbing to hunt them down.

Don't dare write a code with a lot of dependencies. Max 2-3 if you plan to submit source. Maybe some people will think:" Oh man a lot of dependencies I wont instal them for sure!" or just "Ragequit" after the 4. dep. installation.

Create controls that make sense.

My mistakes:

I missed the theme voiting time to think about games.

I made a mistake in my schedule. Underestameted my coding skills (XD) and I was done with it at the 2nd day. So I had a lot of time after finish code that I could use to write a more complex game.

September 16, 2011

Mutate and Pyweek

I'm finished my Pyweek entry today, and upload it on the site as well as upload on Sourceforge too. You can download eighter the source code or  the win 32 installer here. So get it and play it :).

So what is Pyweek about: It is a one week programing challange. The aim is to develope a game according to a theme. After the develepoment week all candidates are judge each other game in the following categories with rate 1-5:
  • Fun
  • Innovation
  • Production
After the judging gold, silver and bronze awards will be given.

About Mutation 13: This Pyweek theme was mutate, so my game is about mutation. It take place in the near future, where an evil virus change humans into SUPER LOLLIES.That young big breasted ones that you see in animes and mangas lol. In short your goal is to fight agains this virus with your state of the art, high-tech nano ship equiped with an Atomic Ion Cannon.

Here is some screenshot from the game:

As last word in this post Pyweek is a lot of fun. I learnt a lot, but I will talk about it in another post.

September 8, 2011

Image Browser - Part 5 - Final release

OK, the final version of Flaming Image Browser is out on the internet. You can download it here.

  • Better button images
  • Buttons more visible now
  • New transformation when resizeing images for the better quality
  • More comment in sourcecode
  • Additional "Really want to exit?" screen
  • Some bugs was handled

September 6, 2011

Pyweek 2011

Today I registered on Pyweek, a one week long python game programing challenge. Look for Flaming Wolf among the entries. So whish good luck for me for the next week. :)

September 3, 2011

Image Browser - Part 4 - BETA

With days of hard work I finished the image browser's BETA version, what you can download from here. I publish it under GNU licence. During the coding, I made some changes in the classes.

Click Browse button to go through directories on your HDD, and use Forward-Backward buttons to move directory pages.

Stay tunned for the final release, and report any bug that you find in the BETA version.