August 10, 2011

Prince of Darkness : Bloody Saturday

This post will be about my first game that I wrote, it is: Prince of Darkness: Bloody Saturday


Tha base concepts are: a quarc game from tha late 80's - early 90's and a romour about a famous star. So I took thes things and made my game. You can download the windows executable or the source here . Lets see what programs I used. First Python 2.6 for basic operations, Pygame 1.9 to handle graphic, Buzhug 1.8 for database to save high scores and players name's. At least Py2exe for making windows executables.

How to play:

Your aim during the game is to catch as much bat as you can before lose your 4 life.

After start the game, you can see the scoretable by hitting the 'S' key, to begin game hit key 'B'. You can move with the 'H','U','J','Y' keys.

During the game you get continous feedback of your score and how much life remained.

When game end you can write your name in the score table. If you mistake use BACKSPACE to delete and hit ENTER when you ready.

Usefull advice:

If you using pygame and experiance slow down during gameplay, look for sprites that you draw but not delete, over and over. 700-1000 sprites can cause serious slow down. :)

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