October 14, 2011

Code Name: B.V.

OK, here is my tech demo v0.3 features specification:

  • Handle bigger maps then screen size,
  • link maps,
  • place static and dinamic objects on map,
  • place animated player and npc-s on map,
  • dialog with npc-s,
  • interaction with objects,
  • handle player in front or behind objects,
  • Graphical User Interface,
  • implement some skills,
  • skills and battles are animated,
  • implement some monsters,
  • implement battle system,
  • have a short story,
  • monsters have artifical inteligent,
  • checkpoint style saving.

Currently I'm working on the demo's class diagramm, to achive proper conceptual integrity. When making classes I use the 1 class 1 responsibility approach. As soon as I will finish it I will share it with all of you. Have a good weekend.

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